Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I just heard the song "Found" by Hillsong and it has touched the core of my being. This song is so beautiful and takes me to a place that brings so much peace and feels so good. Praise God!
At first I was a little sad that it is raining outside because I do not like to be wet when I am at school. Then someone reminded me that it is good because it will hopefully calm down and eventually stop the fires, I pray this is true.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tonight in my TVF 330 documentary class we watched a documentary Born into Brothels. This documentary is about children who have prostitutes for mothers. These childrens great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers and aunts are all prostitutes. Since these children are stuck in the cast system they will most likely except the fate and become prostitutes also.
The director of this film wanted to become imersed and see what they see so she has been living there for a couple of years and teaches them photography. The children go around taking amazing photos of the world around them. While watching this film I felt overwhelmed with emotion.They are truely talented at what they do and it is so sad that most if not all will end up as prostitutes.
I started to reflect on my life while watching this film. It is kind of weird how we do not appreciate the little and big things in life until we are exposed to those who have nothing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My very first video!!

I cannot figure out how to rss my blog. Who do I subscribe to?

University Times

I am not sure how I feel about all the stories on the news about where Obama's daughters will attend school. I hope the media does not screw them up by magnifying every single little thing they do. If they end up in rehab like Britney or Lindsay I will be really sad.
Is there such a thing as being so stressed that you are not stressed anymore? If you are stressed raise your hand and I will say a prayer for you.
I have been told to read the Universtiy Times for the latest news in the dorms. The University Times is great for other subjets too but if you really wanna know what goes down in the dorms read it!!! I am upset with the lack of knowledge the housing employees provides to its tenants so thank God for the University Times. Shout out to Mike Garcia!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It has brought to my attention that there was a shooting this weekened in the dorms and the week before that a girl was sexually assaulted in the schools parking lot and found drugged in the King Hall building. Why are the students of Cal State LA not informed of these incidents? Why are they so quick to give you a parking ticket yet safety somehow slips through the cracks?
I am somehwhat confused with the creative process for my picture essay. Taking the pictures is easy but deciding how I want to tell the story is where the problem lies. I am not sure if I want to present it in a innformative manner where the narrator is just telling the process of how things get done. Or, if I want the narration to be experienced based meaning stories, recounts and how it is to work there.
Why do people stay in relationships with absolutely no incentive? Is it fear? Is it insecurities? Is it that they are too lazy to go out and find someone else? Why do peolple stay in relationships for years and find out they are not the one through a text message? Do people not quietly think about or talk about where they see themselves in their relationships and if they would stay with that person for the long run?

Monday, November 17, 2008

I do not care much for clubs and parties that do not involve networking but this weekened my boyfriend and his ex employees decided to get together at a club. Naturally I thought to myself "ughh" but I love him so I decided to go. When we initially arrived there were women scantily clad as they waited to hopefully get selected to go into the club. My boyfriends ex-employee was waiting for us at the door so we did not have to stand in heavy perfumed line.
We went up the elevator to arrive on the roof of the building which surprisingly is where the club is. It was actually really nice. This was not a social scene of women who looked really skanky and men who looked like they were on a mission to take them down. Instead of people humping eachother with clothes on they were actually dancing. The music had no words and people were actually standing around talking. It was actually my kind of scene.
I am not the party type at all. My definition of painting the town red is a dinner and a movie. I hate when people ask you what you do on the weekened and if it does not consist of going to parties, clubs or drinking they automatically assume you are boring and miserable. They automatically look at you like there is something wrong with you. Why? Do people not know there are more things to do in life for entertainment other than clubbing? Do we all need to have alcohol related spirits to enjoy ourselves? Where is the respect for the non-partiers???

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

As far as my project I am working on some interview questions. I think it will do wonders for my audio presentation if I compose questions for my subject as opposed to just letting them say whatever with no sense of direction. I am a bit confused about how to incorporate sound like the flickering of the newspapers.
I want to apply for a internship but I do not have any work experience as far as the News world goes. I have tons of classroom experience but I do not know how to put that on my resume. If you have any advice PLEASE don't hesitate to leave me a message.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Can!!! Thank you, God Bless You and may God bless the United States of America.

-Barack Obama

I love this for Obama!!!

President Barack Obama has just been elected President for the United States!!!! I am so overwhelmed with a huge lump in my throat from trying not to cry. At this time I am lost for words, just very, very proud. I have never in my life anticipated change to this magnitude.

Monday, October 6, 2008

This is new to you care?

This whole blog world is new to me...I am unsure what to say. Now I guess I will have to think of ways to blog the different facets of my fabulous life.